"Eczema Drugs by sillyrabbit8, on Flickr">
Author Resource: David Cowley has created numerous about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. Visit http://www.dfcinvestment-team.com
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For those suffering from the skin condition of eczema, you may be ready to just scream out for relief. This condition is more than irritating; it can be downright painful at times. But just what is this condition and what are some ways that you can treat it without expensive prescriptions creams and other such ointments?
First, understand that the term eczema is applied to a wide variety of skin conditions. Inflammation of the upper layers of skin, or dermatitis, of virtually any type can fall under the umbrella of what doctors refer to as eczema. Symptoms include not just dryness and redness of the skin, but also swelling, flaking, crusting, cracking, bleeding, blisters, and even oozing of puss. While it's rare that one gets scars from this condition, there can sometimes be permanent skin discoloration.
There are many different types of eczema, and they all have different causes. This is the key to actually treating your condition once and for all - understanding the root cause of the condition and what is bringing it on. Failure to treat this underlying cause will not bring about any healing, and may actually make the condition much worse than it is.
For example, many cases of eczema are due to exposure to chemicals such as cleaning agents or other such compounds. However, some assume that because the skin is dry and itching then simple hand lotion should clear it up. When they put lotion to skin that is already chafed or irritated due to chemical exposure, they are just adding chemicals on top of top of chemicals; not only will this fail to address the cause of the eczema, it will just make the condition even worse.
Other common reasons for eczema are allergies, whether topical or food allergies; a reaction to a prescription or over the counter medication; a medical condition; family history. You may be able to isolate the reason for your eczema yourself if you're aware of these common causes. Do you work in a factory or industrial environment that keeps you exposed to chemicals or other harsh elements? Do you wear protective gloves when you clean or are even exposed to dish washing liquid? Does anyone in your family also suffer from the disease? Did you just recently start taking any prescription medications, or even any herbal supplements?
If such a self check doesn't yield any satisfactory answers, then it's time to speak to a doctor. He or she should be able to isolate the cause for your eczema once and for all. You may not want to use prescription creams and topical ointments, but of course you don't want to be doing any damage to your skin or causing it to become worse either. You deserve relief from this very painful condition, so don't hesitate to approach your doctor about it.
Common vitamins and over the counter products can give you relief from eczema such as Unsaturated fats, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Aloe and Chamomile.
Unsaturated fats that stay liquid at room temperature such as soybean, wheat germ, sunflower and corn oil have show to greatly improve eczema when applied to the affected area.
Vitamin A and E taken internally and applied to the affected area have been shown to alleviate the systems of eczema.
Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.
Chamomile is used to soothe and re-vitalize the skin.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you:A LIFE SO FAR AWAYand my other blog:OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.
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